We thank everyone for cooperation and understanding as we continue to keep the line of communication open with our students.
Students who test positive for COVID-19 are required to submit the following form: Click Here
Due to recent changes in New York State mandate regarding COVID-19 vaccines boosters, CAHE will no longer be requiring students to receive a vaccine booster. That being the case, some clinical sites continue to require vaccine boosters and it is the responsibility of each student independently to comply with the requirements of the clinical site they are placed in. Clinical site placements will not be made based on vaccine booster status and requests for accommodation for alternative clinical placement due to booster requirements will not be approved unless due to medical necessity.
Please note: CAHE’s policy’s regarding COVID-19 and COVID-19 vaccinations are subject to change as the current COVID-19 situation evolves.
If you have any questions, please contact clinical clearance at clinicalclearance@cahe.edu.
Effective February 10, 2022, Center for Allied Health Education (CAHE) will require both proof of vaccination, as well as proof of boosters for all enrolled students.
This is a reminder that all students and staff are once again required to wear masks at all times while in the building (for didactic/lab instruction), as well as during clinical rotations as a result of the recent NYS mandate. Additionally, students experiencing one or more COVID-19-related symptoms, those who were in recent contact with someone who tested positive for COVID-19, or who themselves have tested positive for COVID-19 must immediately complete the REPORT COVID-19 SYMPTOMS, EXPOSURE OR POSITIVE FORM. Failure to submit the appropriate form at the correct time will put a student in violation of CAHE’s COVID-19 policy and will result in disciplinary action.
Once the above form is submitted, it will be processed by CAHE as quickly as possible. A response to the form submission will be sent via e-mail, which will include the appropriate next steps to take based on the submission. Students who have recently submitted this form should have received a response/action plan to their email address.
We appreciate your commitment to keeping the CAHE community safe.
As a result of three major hospital systems with whom we have clinical affiliation agreements recently announcing that they will require the COVID-19 vaccine for all employees and students (some as early as July 1st and others prior to September 1st), Center for Allied Health Education (CAHE) will now require all students to be vaccinated. According to the CDC, a person is considered fully vaccinated two weeks after receiving the second dose of a two-step vaccine (i.e. Pfizer & Moderna) or one dose of a one-step vaccine (i.e. Johnson & Johnson).
Students who are already fully vaccinated are requested to:
- E-mail proof of the vaccination as an attachment prior to June 21, 2021 to clinicalclearance@cahe.edu with the following Subject/Title: “PROGRAM NAME- COHORT – NAME- COVID 19 Vaccination” AND
- Upload proof of vaccination into your Castlebranch account prior to June 21, 2021.
Students who are partially vaccinated (received one dose of a two-step vaccine) are requested to:
- E-mail proof of the first vaccine dose as an attachment prior to June 21, 2021 to clinicalclearance@cahe.edu with the following Subject/Title: “PROGRAM NAME- COHORT – NAME- COVID 19 Vaccine Dose 1” AND
- E-mail proof of the second vaccination as an attachment prior to August 10, 2021 to clinicalclearance@cahe.edu with the following Subject/Title: “PROGRAM NAME- COHORT – NAME- COVID 19 Vaccination” AND
- Be fully vaccinated and upload proof of vaccination into your Castlebranch account prior to August 10, 2021.
Students who are not yet vaccinated are requested to:
- E-mail proof of the first vaccine dose as an attachment prior to July 2, 2021 to clinicalclearance@cahe.edu with the following Subject/Title: “PROGRAM NAME- COHORT – NAME- COVID 19 Vaccine Dose 1” AND
- E-mail proof of the second vaccination as an attachment prior to August 10, 2021 to clinicalclearance@cahe.edu with the following Subject/Title: “PROGRAM NAME- COHORT – NAME- COVID 19 Vaccination” AND
- Be fully vaccinated and upload proof of vaccination into your Castlebranch account prior to August 10, 2021.
Students who have an extenuating circumstance that will not allow them to meet the current deadlines listed above should email clinicalclearance@cahe.edu with details regarding their specific circumstance. Each circumstance will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.
Students who have not uploaded proof of vaccination by August 10, 2021 will be unable continue participating in clinical education courses and will be automatically placed on a Leave of Absence beginning September 9, 2021 (the first day of the fall quarter). As per CAHE’s published Leave of Absence Policy (1) a student’s leave cannot exceed 60 calendar days and (2) to return, a student must meet all requirements (including provide proof that they are fully vaccinated for COVID 19).
Return to On-Campus Instruction
This past year has been a challenge for everyone and we can say that faculty and staff have missed interacting with students in person and having students on campus more often. We know that you have been wondering when that time would come that students will be able to come back to campus for didactic courses, well the time is now!
Based on the guidelines recently issued by the CDC and New York State, CAHE will begin bringing students back to campus. Starting Fall 2021, lecture classes which were previously moved online due to COVID-19 will be returning to on-campus instruction and there will be no online option available for those courses. Please note that some classes will remain in an online/virtual platform (as they were conducted pre-pandemic). We ask that you make any necessary childcare and transportation arrangements at this time in preparation for the return to on-campus instruction.
The current CDC guidelines are as follows:
Vaccinated Students:
- Face Coverings are not required
- Social distancing is not required
- Quarantine due to exposure to COVID is not required
Un-Vaccinated Students:
- Face Coverings are required. N-95 or KN-95 is required to be worn within the labs
- Social distancing is required
- Quarantine and reporting due to exposure to COVID is required.
COVID-19 is still present and all students, vaccinated or un-vaccinated, are still required to report symptoms/exposure/testing positive for COVID by completing the Report of Symptoms of Exposure to COVID-19 form.
We hope you are as excited as we are!! Detailed information regarding your schedule and when you will be required to be on-campus will follow as we get closer to the start date.
COVID Vaccine Update
Clinical clearance policies are guided by our clinic affiliates’ requirements. As of today, CAHE has been notified by at least one major hospital-system where our students rotate, that they are now requiring students to be vaccinated. We anticipate this becoming a requirement at all or most of our clinical affiliates. While at this time CAHE is not mandating the COVID vaccine, students should be aware that if they are not vaccinated, their graduation may be delayed and/or they may be unable to complete their clinical requirements in order to graduate, based on the policies that may be promulgated by the remainder of our clinical affiliates. Students who do not want to get vaccinated, are advised to consider the above information in determining if they would like to continue their enrollment at CAHE. Since CAHE’s clinical affiliates have begun to require COVID vaccinations, in order to comply with these requirements, CAHE is requiring that students who are vaccinated provide proof by uploading documentation to the appropriate section in Castlebranch. Instructions on how to do this will be e-mailed by early July.
As the CDC and NY State COVID guidelines are constantly being updated, please note that CAHE’s guidelines can be updated at any time. Students will be notified of any changes.
Looking forward to greeting you back to campus,
Center for Allied Health Education
This is a reminder that New York State currently has a travel advisory. The current travel advisory can be found HERE. Students who travel may not enter the building, participate in lab and/or clinical rotations without meeting the current travel advisory. Thank you.
CAHE will continue with the current method of instruction for all Winter 2020 classes. Labs and Clinical rotations will continue to require in-person attendance, while didactic instruction remains online in both a synchronous and asynchronous format.
To the CAHE Community:
As an institution focusing on preparing essential healthcare workers to serve in the allied health field, Center for Allied Health Education continues to monitor the rate of infection of COVID-19.
Due to the recent spike in cases of COVID-19 in our geographic area and the rise in cases experienced by educational institutions across the country as students returned to campus, out of an abundance of caution CAHE is reinstituting a policy of limiting student presence on campus to essential activities. Effective immediately, all didactic lectures and exams will be delivered remotely to minimize the possibility of community spread from exposure to fellow students and staff. Lab classes will continue to be held on campus with CAHE continuing to conduct lab sessions in a reduced staff-to-student ratio while adhering to CDC and NYS DOH COVID-19 guidelines.
All students and staff are required to adhere to the Center’s COVID-19 guidelines, which have been developed, and are continually updated, by our medical advisors to reflect the latest guidelines established by the CDC and NYSDOH. These guidelines focus on preventing the spread of the disease by proper hand washing, social distancing, wearing a face-covering that covers the nose and mouth, and eye protection (as indicated). In addition, students and staff must complete COVID-19 screening upon entering the building. Students can find the COVID screening form by visiting www.cahe.edu/screening.
We are all in this together. Patience with each other and flexibility in adapting to the changes needed in addressing COVID-19 will help ensure our individual and collective safety and success. Be assured our priority is to protect the health and safety of our students and staff while ensuring the continuity of the education of essential healthcare workers.
Jerry Rozenberg
President & CEO
Joseph Bove MD, FACEP
Medical Director
Center for Allied Health Education (CAHE) has moved all didactic courses for ALL programs to a hybrid/online learning format. Lectures are delivered in a live, virtual, online classroom. Practical labs occur on campus, following CDC & NYSDOH guidelines. Clinical rotations take place at CAHE’s large network of clinical affiliates.
Our offices are fully operational and our staff is reachable at 718.645.3500 or via email at admissions@cahe.edu.
Here, at Center for Allied Health Education (CAHE), we are working diligently to ensure that all students receive their education in an efficient and timely manner in order to remain on schedule (or close to it) for graduation. To further emphasize the importance of your education and the need for skilled healthcare workers, our institution has officially been designated as an essential business by the Governor’s Office.
Despite us being granted the above status, we are firmly committed to continuing to implement our social distancing protocols for the immediate future and have modified the schedule slightly in order to do so.
Please be advised of the following:
- After Spring Break, all programs will begin lab instruction again, using virtual software and systems. There will be no additional cost to the student for these virtual platforms.
- Between May 12th and May 25th, students should be prepared to come to the building for mandatory on-campus labs. Lab hours will be scheduled between the hours of 8:00 AM and 10:00 PM and can include Sundays. A detailed lab schedule will be sent to all students prior to May 1st. Our Registrar Department is trying to create the schedule so that students will only need to be on-campus for a maximum of 3 times over the two-week period of time. A specific COVID-19 protocol to enter the building will be in effect and an e-mail will be sent out closer to the date with detailed information. Please begin to make arrangements to be able to attend.