Inclement Weather Announcement for 2/1/2021 - CAHE

Inclement Weather Announcement for 2/1/2021


Please be advised of the following updates to the schedule for Monday, February 1, 2021:

– Didactic courses will resume remotely and attendance is required.

– All staff will be working remotely for the day.

– The building (1401 Kings Highway) will be closed for the day.

Please note the following regarding scheduled in-person lab sessions:

DMS Lab Sessions: Students scheduled for lab on 2/1/2021 will be rescheduled to either 2/10/2021 or 2/11/2021. Your Program Director will be in touch with you regarding the exact time/date.

Medic Lab Sessions:

– Medic 51/ Kindly reach out to your Program Director to reschedule the lab session.

– Medic 52/ Students should attend the alternate lab session available for the week.

– Medic 53/ The lab session will be conducted remotely.

– Students scheduled for clinical rotations are encouraged to attend if they are able to get there safely. Students who are unable to attend, or if their clinical site is closed, should enter a snow day into Trajecsys.

We are continuing to monitor weather conditions and will continue to keep you updated.

Stay safe and warm!

Center for Allied Health Education

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Center for Allied Health Education