Center for Allied Health Education (CAHE) has been awarded funding from the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF) authorized by the recent Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act.
1. In June 2021 CAHE was awarded additional Higher Education Emergency Relief Funds (HEERF II) monies in the amount of $285,877 of which 262,680.46 has been drawn down as of 9/30/2021. In August 2021 CAHE was awarded additional Higher Education Emergency Relief Funds (HEERF III) monies in the amount of $177,901 of which $0 has been drawn down as of 9/30/2021.
2. The total amount of the Emergency Financial Aid Grants distributed to students as of the date of this post is $276,214.50 (which includes $13,534.04 remaining from HEERF I).
3. The estimated total number of students at CAHE eligible to participate in programs under Section 484 in Title IV of the HEA of 1965, and thus eligible to receive the Emergency Financial Aid Grants is 356.
4. As of the date of this post, the total number of students who have received the Emergency Financial Aid Grant is 316.
5. CAHE determined student eligibility by reviewing all FAFSA applicants for 2020-2021 AY. Grant amounts were determined based on the federal EFC number, from the students’ ISIRs. As per intent of the law, greater amount was awarded to those with the lowest EFC.
6. The CAHE Financial Aid Office identified all students who completed a 2020-2021 FAFSA, and emailed eligible students through the student portal, a notice of the grant, and the eligibility criteria under Section 484 in Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965. Following the guidelines, a greater amount was offered to those with the lowest EFC. The students were given the option to receive the grant in full or use all or a part towards their tuition balance. Students with a FAFSA on file, were emailed detailed information and a link to a Jotform, to certify need and eligibility for the Emergency Grant. In the following weeks text message and email reminders were sent out to eligible students to allow more of them to benefit from the grant. Checks were issued in the amounts of $1,250 for those with a 0 EFC, $955 for those with an EFC of 1-2500, $650.50 for those with an EFC of 2501-5711, and $400.50 to those with an EFC over 5712. The Business Office emailed students once the checks were ready.
Questions regarding this grant may be directed to the Financial Aid, or Student Finance departments.